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Children’s immunisations

These are best provided at regular intervals. They stimulate the immune system to protect children against illnesses that in the past led to high childhood mortality and morbidity.

Immunisation reminders are sent by the health authority and are usually due at 2, 3, 4 and 14 months with boosters at 4 and 15 years. Please make sure that you bring your child’s red book to appointments.

Flu immunisations

The flu vaccine is available free of charge to those patients who are either over 65 years or who are considered at risk, i.e. with diabetes, asthma, kidney or renal failure, splenectomy, heart or chronic lung conditions. We also offer a safe and effective nasal spray vaccine to protect children aged two years and older against flu.

These services are provided usually between October and January. The immunisation helps protect against several strains of the flu virus. If you are not entitled to a free flu vaccine but would like to arrange one, you can ask for a prescription at your local chemist and then request an appointment to have the vaccine given by the nurse.

Pneumococcal immunisations

Please request an appointment with the nurse if you are over 65 years of age or are considered at risk and you would like a pneumococcal vaccine that helps protect against pneumonia. This immunisation covers you for 10 years. At risk patients are those with diabetes, asthma, kidney or renal failure, splenectomy, heart or chronic lung conditions.

Related information

NHS vaccinations and when to have them